35.9 F
Saturday, February 8, 2025
What Followed Me?

What Followed Me?

In the 1950's I often went to my relative's in Wirt County to visit on the week-ends. The procedure was to drop them a post-card early in the week saying I would take the Greyhound bus to the stop where they picked me up. I did exactly that one week...
Ayew Monster

Ayew Monster

My dad told me a story about a critter his grandfather "Doc" Carpenter encountered once while hunting in the woods surrounding Erbacon, WV which is in Webster County. He said he was stalking either turkey or deer when he realized he was being stalked by a creature that resembled...
The White Beast

The White Beast

One night, about 8:00 pm, my boyfriend and I had to run to the store to get something for his mom. We were on our way back, up near Pumpkintown, when we saw a car stopped dead in the road. We thought maybe a deer had ran out in...
Logan Bigfoot Seen

Logan Bigfoot Seen

I had walked down to the game room about five minutes below my house (which is on a hill up against a mountain). Around 11-11:30pm, as I started walking back home, I heard some kind of a loud noise like a woman screaming. I spotted something on the mountain...
The She-Devil

The She-Devil

This story even leaves me a little bit skeptical, which is odd because I am a firm believer in ghosts and the like, but it is still a little hard to grasp. It is a story of an experience that my mother had when she was around 11 or 12...
Black Creature Watching Me

Black Creature Watching Me

My cousin lives on the out-skirts of Morgantown on a place we call Crown Hill. It's near Rivesville. Well, my cousin and I had a fight at 1:30 AM on 7/23/11. I walk outside to take a breather. In front of me was a large hill with a few...
The Red Eyes

The Red Eyes

Me and my friend was chopping down a bunch of woods by our house. We found a foot print on the ground I yelled "come over here Dylan" and he looked down and saw it. "What was it", he asked. "I don't know". We ran from the woods, because...
Stalked By Wild Animal

Stalked By Wild Animal

This story is a vivid recollection from my childhood, growing up in rural Pocahontas County. The encounter took place about 12 miles north of Neola, in the southern end of the county. It was late spring or early summer of 1979, my mother, two brothers, and I were returning home...
Another Black Panther

Another Black Panther

I can confirm not only by myself but with about half the town of Richwood as well that black panthers do exist in WV. I saw one myself while camping on the south fork of the Cherry River. It was about 2:00 am and my dad and I had...
Dead Cow and Calf

Dead Cow And Calf

It was a hot August day in the year 2001 when my husband, Dave went looking for his cows who were about to give birth soon. The cows run loose on the farm, so when it is time for them to give birth, Dave will keep a good watch...
Hunting Encounter

Hunting Encounter

One day during Buck season in 1995, I was hunting with my cousin just outside of the small town of Valley Head, WV. It was around noon and we decided to split up and go opposite ways. We both pretty much knew our way around the area where as...
The Croup

The Croup

This is not a personal encounter and I probably would never recount this story if I had not seen something on this site entitled "The White Thing". This sparked my interest. I don't know if my story relates since I left WV years ago and have never heard this...