60.6 F
Saturday, July 27, 2024
What The Heck Was That?

What The Heck Was That?

Every year my boyfriend Tad goes squirrel hunting the first few days of the season in Ritchie County. I always meet him there for the weekend. His best friend Joe had a farm on top of Oil Ridge. Joe has passed on, but his son still allows Tad to...
The Croup

The Croup

This is not a personal encounter and I probably would never recount this story if I had not seen something on this site entitled "The White Thing". This sparked my interest. I don't know if my story relates since I left WV years ago and have never heard this...
The Greenbrier County Monster

The Greenbrier County Monster

I have never seen the Greenbrier County monster, but my father, brothers, and many other hunters have all seen "something". My family and I are avid rabbit hunters, and as are many close friends of the family. One January day in 1998, my father and two brothers went hunting with...
What Followed Me?

What Followed Me?

In the 1950's I often went to my relative's in Wirt County to visit on the week-ends. The procedure was to drop them a post-card early in the week saying I would take the Greyhound bus to the stop where they picked me up. I did exactly that one week...
Red Eyes

Red Eyes

Every Christmas my mom lets me throw a Christmas party. Most of the time it's just me and 4 of my best friends having a sleepover and doing what ever comes to mind. This particular year we were making hot coco then going outside to play in the snow....