61.1 F
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Beast of Bertha Hill

Beast of Bertha Hill

Yes, my name is Ronnie Knight of Maidsville WV. Actually Ronnie Knight is the alias I'm using. But to the point I live near some woods you see. These woods seem 'friendly' enough. Despite that there are fallen trees. Many vines and thorns and don't get me started on what...
The Red Eyes

The Red Eyes

Me and my friend was chopping down a bunch of woods by our house. We found a foot print on the ground I yelled "come over here Dylan" and he looked down and saw it. "What was it", he asked. "I don't know". We ran from the woods, because...
Horrific Screams!

Horrific Screams!

In early spring of 2008 Beau and I decided to buy new camping gear. We were so happy to put winter behind us and looked forward to enjoying Mother Nature once again. Beau was anxious to camp, yet the nights were still very chilly, and I remained a quite hesitant....
Monongahela National Forest

Monongahela National Forest

In the early morning hours of December 1st, 1997, I was hunting with my son when I heard some weird sounds coming from a nearby gully. The sounds observed were similar to that of a woman screaming, followed by a strange sort of chatter, as if someone were playing...
White Thing

White Thing

It was mid-January in Four States, West Virginia and I was walking through the woods. I heard something rustling in the brush about 100 yards away. I walked up a right-of-way to see what it was. I wish I‘d stayed home. As I topped the right-of-way, what appeared to be...
The She-Devil

The She-Devil

This story even leaves me a little bit skeptical, which is odd because I am a firm believer in ghosts and the like, but it is still a little hard to grasp. It is a story of an experience that my mother had when she was around 11 or 12...
Dolly Sods

Dolly Sods

Large tracks spotted, too large to be human, estimated size: 20 in. foot size - occurred September 23, 1997 at 10:30 am - that night we heard loud, piercing screams in the forest and a strange odor- like a cross between a skunk and sweat - I activated my...
The Picnic

The Picnic

Alongside the New River near Fayetteville an old picnic table is rotting, becoming overgrown with moss and weeds. You can barely still see it, even if you wanted to. Even if you wanted to enjoy an outdoor meal with your family on a fine August day. You might have...
Black Creature Watching Me

Black Creature Watching Me

My cousin lives on the out-skirts of Morgantown on a place we call Crown Hill. It's near Rivesville. Well, my cousin and I had a fight at 1:30 AM on 7/23/11. I walk outside to take a breather. In front of me was a large hill with a few...
Black Panther?

Black Panther?

I do not know if this is considered a "strange creature", but to me it was! It was a "black panther" type animal. It was the middle of summer, not sure the year, maybe 1988/89, when we had the terrible dry spell. It just would not rain, fires were...
White Beast

White Beast

My husband and I were taking a drive one night down Route 35 going toward Winfield. We had just gotten to where there were no lights or houses around. I was looking out my window trying not to be scared of what I might see. Joe (my husband) had said...
Fairy Follies

Fairy Follies

When I moved into the Dormitory of West Virginia State College, I expected to find lots of new friends. While I did find those, I also acquired a pesky little fairy (don't let me fool you, I love the little booger). The story starts like this: Our friend who lived...