I live in a place that would not even be considered a dot on a map except for the fact that we have a State Forest there. Cabwaylingo, which stands for all the counties surrounding it, Cabell, Wayne, Lincoln, and Mingo, is a rather secluded park, full of wildlife.
I was bringing my daughter home from a dental appointment when we saw it. I was driving my mother’s van, which sits kind of high off the ground, and had the headlights on since it was just a little past dusk. The first glimpse was of something walking, in a lumbering sort of fashion, on the side of the road next to the passenger’s side of the van. It was a tan color, and walked on two feet just like a human does. Its movements were slow and heavy and it had to have stood a good 6 ft. tall or more. I could see that it was covered with hair, but its body resembled a human being more than an animal. My father seemed to think it was a bear walking on its hind feet. I can assure you, this was no bear! When the van got close to being beside the creature, it went over the edge of the bank off the road. I was somewhat amazed at what I saw, but it all happened so quickly that I wondered if perhaps I was seeing things. Apparently, my daughter, who by the way was sixteen at the time, must have been wondering the same thing, because at the exact same time we turned to each other and said, “Did you see that?” After I knew that she had seen it too, I turned around in a wide spot off the road and went back to see if I could spot it with my headlights. Whatever it was, it was already gone. Where it went over the bank, it could have and most likely did go across a very small branch and into a hollow on the other side.
I am not sure what this was, all I know is that it was not human, yet it was not like any animal I have ever seen before! I never really believed in Big Foot, and I am not very sure I do now. The one thing I absolutely do believe is that if you ever run into this thing, you will not soon forget it!
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