35.9 F
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Kingston - Star Hollow Sighting

Kingston – Star Hollow Sighting

Three friends and I were out running around one evening and decided to go down to Star Hollow near Kingston and park. We were listening to some music and singing along. Two of my friends were sitting on the trunk, one was in the car adjusting the radio, and...
Huntington Spring Valley Area

Huntington Spring Valley Area

Hello, My name is Dwayne. I am 31, married, father of two and probably the most skeptical person around. I can usually find some reasonable explanation for ghosts, UFO's etc.., but I heard something when I was thirteen that scared me more than anything ever had before or since....
Hunting Encounter

Hunting Encounter

One day during Buck season in 1995, I was hunting with my cousin just outside of the small town of Valley Head, WV. It was around noon and we decided to split up and go opposite ways. We both pretty much knew our way around the area where as...
Dolly Sods

Dolly Sods

Large tracks spotted, too large to be human, estimated size: 20 in. foot size - occurred September 23, 1997 at 10:30 am - that night we heard loud, piercing screams in the forest and a strange odor- like a cross between a skunk and sweat - I activated my...


A unidentifiable creature meeting the description of bigfoot has been seen in Capels, West Virginia by several different sources. Many unidentifiable tracks can be found. Terrible screams have also been heard. Capels, is right outside of Welch, West Virginia, their are many places in the mountains that are rarely...
Big Foot?

Big Foot?

I went to a friends house in the Bridgeport area to sight in my new rifle. He began to tell me a story of a strange animal that was killed on this farm by the man who owned it before his death. The farmer was an avid coon hunter and...
White Thing

White Thing

It was mid-January in Four States, West Virginia and I was walking through the woods. I heard something rustling in the brush about 100 yards away. I walked up a right-of-way to see what it was. I wish I‘d stayed home. As I topped the right-of-way, what appeared to be...
White Beast

White Beast

My husband and I were taking a drive one night down Route 35 going toward Winfield. We had just gotten to where there were no lights or houses around. I was looking out my window trying not to be scared of what I might see. Joe (my husband) had said...
What In The World Is It?

What In The World Is It?

One night back in 1999 I was at Chief Logan State Park all by myself, there was no one else up there. When I was getting ready to leave, I heard something scream, but it sounded like a very high pitch, a screech, but very intense. It sounded like no...
What Followed Me?

What Followed Me?

In the 1950's I often went to my relative's in Wirt County to visit on the week-ends. The procedure was to drop them a post-card early in the week saying I would take the Greyhound bus to the stop where they picked me up. I did exactly that one week...
Weird Sounds

Weird Sounds

I am now 18 years old and live in Minnesota, but I lived most of my life in a little holler called Chapman Branch, located on North Fork Road just outside of the town of Chapmansville. I was about 17 when this occurred. It was early fall, around the...
Unearthly Beasts

Unearthly Beasts

I've not encountered any of the strange beasts I discuss herein, but I think their legends warrant further investigation. Beyond the realm of ghosts and outside the classification of man-apes, encounters with strange creatures have been reported across the Mountain State. These bear or dog-like creatures seem to belong to...