White Beast

White Beast
Rt. 35 toward Winfield / Google Maps

My husband and I were taking a drive one night down Route 35 going toward Winfield. We had just gotten to where there were no lights or houses around. I was looking out my window trying not to be scared of what I might see.

Joe (my husband) had said something and as I turned my head to answer him, I looked ahead and saw something. About 50 yards ahead of us was something in the road. It was on all fours and was snow white. It was bigger than a dog, way bigger. As we got closer it turned and looked our way. Its mouth opened and it stood up on two legs and began running across the road and up through the woods.

I never said a thing. All I could do was sit there, stunned. A few minutes later Joe asked if I had seen what he had seen. Unable to answer him, I began to cry. Wanting to go home we decided to cross the bridge and go through Poca home. Neither of us wanted to go back the way we came.

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.