The Top

The Top
UFO / Stock Photo

My Grandmother lived in a somewhat rural area of Barbour County known as Stringtown. My father, aunts, and uncles also were raised in this house. My Grandmother told a story of a “top” that would spin across the sky over the house. It appeared around midnight when she saw it. It was a reddish color, though it flashed lights of all colors. My father, uncles and oldest aunt had all also seen “The Top”, as it came to be called by the family. Some of them had seen it by themselves, others in pairs/groups. It usually appeared close to midnight.

One night I was staying over. My younger aunt, brother, and I were all sitting outside around midnight. Over the hill, making a faint hum, came a large, flying object. It was shaped like a top, red, flashing colors, and it was spinning. It flew rather high, and eventually disappeared out of sight. We had not fully heard the stories of the other family members until we told them what we had seen. That is when they each gave a full story of having saw it themselves.

All of my Grandmother’s bloodline have seen this “top,” except one. She is still very young. I keep waiting for her to see it too.

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.