The Grey Ghost Of Ohley Hollow

The Grey Ghost Of Ohley Hollow
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I was delivering the morning newspaper in Cabin Creek, in Ohley Hollow specifically. I am usually out in the very early morning hours, just past midnight.

Okay, now one morning I was going about my business and I pulled in this guys driveway as I had many times before. You have to go across a little bridge and there is no way to turn around so you have to back out. So I delivered the paper and started to back out. I looked in my rear view mirror as I crossed the bridge and I saw a gray mist-like-figure outside my car. It scared the heck out of me! I turned my head to see it, but it wasn’t there. This happened in about two seconds. So for the rest of my route I had a weird feeling.

Anyways, I went for about two weeks before I even told my wife about it, but I finally did. She chuckled a little but I was like “Hey I’m serious!” So she didn’t really say much else about it.

Since that time, whenever I would deliver the paper there, I would turn around and look out my back window while backing out of this driveway, rather than use the mirror. On the same night I told my wife about what I had seen, I was backing out and I heard a big noise at the front of the car. I turned around and my front bumper was ripped half way off. I got out of the car to see what happened. There was no reason at all why this should have happened. There was three feet on either side of the car and nothing else for the bumper to get caught on. And this is a brand new car so the bumper didn’t just fall off. WEIRD!!! Nothing else has ever happened, yet…

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.