The Ghost Of Glenville Trailer Park

The Ghost Of Glenville Trailer Park
Trailer Park / Stock Photo

My sister has told me stories of her son and his friends seeing a ghost in his trailer. I did not believe it because I do not believe in ghosts. Therefore, I had to go up there and see for myself.

My sister and I were going to go up there to move her son out on August 2, 2007. We arrived there about 8:00 that night. I was not scared when I got there because it was a new trailer. We started packing some stuff about midnight while I was sitting at the bar and she was standing on the other side of it. I heard a noise as if she had kicked the wall under the counter-top. I asked, “What was that?” she said, ” you just kicked the bar stool that was beside me.” I said, “No I didn’t.” She said, “I just saw that bar stool move left to right off the floor.” I did not do it and she did not either. I was a little scared at this point.

Later, she was walking toward the hall, my suitcase was sitting there, she started screaming and running towards me, and then I started screaming. She said, “Your suitcase was moving… Your suitcase was moving!” She was crying at this point. We had decided that we were not going to go to sleep that night.

We never heard or seen anything else that night. I guess we scared it by screaming.

I now have belief that there is ghost’s on this earth.

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.