The House That Never Was

The House That Never Was
Old House / Stock Photo

My husband went to college at Glenville State and we both ran the Conrad Motel. Since you had to be there 24-7, it was very stressful so some of our friends would come over and give us a few hours to our self and we would usually go for a drive around town or explore some of the back roads in the hills.

This one particular evening we went driving and ran upon an old deserted house. It was gray-aged wood without paint and clearly no one had lived there for many years. We decided to go in and take a look. There was an old calendar, newspaper pasted on the wall, some old furniture, and dishes still on the old wooden table as if they just got up and walked away. Because some of the windows were broken, the room was very dusty and covered with old leaves and spider webs on the corners of the walls. We looked around for a bit but began to feel like we should not be there so we walked back to our car.

All of a sudden, we heard what sounded like the whirling sound of a mine fan. We looked around but could not see anything. It was the beginning of dusk and it spooked us so we decided to go back home and call it a night. While we were driving off, I turned around to get one last look at the house. I saw the torn curtain pulled back and an old gray haired woman with her hair in a bun looking out the window. I let out a gasp and my husband wanted to know what was wrong. I pointed, he swore, and we got out of there as fast as we could!

We told the story to our friend who was watching the motel for us and the next day my husband and him decided they would go back for a closer look and see if they could find the source of the noise we heard and to check out the house for antiques. Although my husband knew those roads backwards and forwards they never did find the old house or the source of that weird noise we heard…

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.