Oxbow Lady In White

Oxbow Lady In White
Lady in White / Stock Photo

During the fall of 1980, my husband and his father were hunting a wild and remote part of Ritchie County called the Oxbow. My father-in-law had a passion for collecting old bottles and spotted an old house down in a field below where he was squirrel hunting. He walked down the hill towards the house hoping to look around and find some old bottles. As he drew near to the old house, he saw a woman in one of the downstairs windows. She was dressed in a white dress and was waving at him. He thought nothing of it and hoped she wouldn’t mind him checking things out.

When he got to the house, the old door was open so he walked in. Boy was he surprised at the shambles inside! No one could possibly have lived there in years. The floor was rotten and the area by the window where the woman stood was gone – literally rotted through and collapsed! A person could not have stood there and waved at him. He told us the hair literally stood up on the back of his neck and he turned and ran out of there as fast as he could.

My father-in-law was the biggest skeptic I had ever met. He wouldn’t even listen to a tall tale or ghost story. However, my husband said when his father got back to the vehicle; he thought he was having a heart attack. His father was deathly pale and just said “let’s get out of here.” On the way home, he told my husband what had happened.

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.