Haunted Rich Mountain

Haunted Rich Mountain
Rich Mountain, WV Road Sign / Stock Photo

I am 15 years old and live in Huttonsville, WV. I haven’t had any encounters with any of the ghosts on Rich Mountain but, I do know people who have.

My dad has told me stories of when he was young and has heard noises and he has seen strange lights up there. One of my dad’s closest friends from Ohio has made many visits to Rich Mountain and has had at least 3 encounters. There is a memorial marker where John Hart’s house used to stand, my dad’s friend (Jason) was talking to my dad and said something insulting about John Hart (I am not going to say what!) and all of the sudden something chased them back to the truck.

Another encounter happened on Independence Day of this year, there was a bunch of people that went up there and they turned the truck off and all the lights, in a close distance they could see a horse. One of the guys got very sick and started throwing up and crying! It was very frightening to hear that. They haven’t been back there since but, when we go back I will update you in what’s going on up on that creepy mountain.

If you love ghosts of the civil war take a trip to Beverly, WV.

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.