Red Eyes

Red Eyes
Red Eyes in the Dark / Stock Photo

Every Christmas my mom lets me throw a Christmas party. Most of the time it’s just me and 4 of my best friends having a sleepover and doing what ever comes to mind. This particular year we were making hot coco then going outside to play in the snow. After we were finished we headed back inside. Later that night after my mom had gone to bed we watched movies.

All of a sudden it came to me that we had forgot our hot coco cups outside on my back deck. At this time two of my friends Ashley, Sarah, and Tia were sitting on my couch all the way across the room from where my back door was. I thought that I would probably need some help bringing the cups in so my friend Jill offered to help me. As Jill opened the door she screamed, jumped back, and slammed the door shut. I asked her what was wrong and she replied with “There’s something on your deck!” Being as dumb as I was at the moment I just decided to brush it off as nothing had happened, thinking that it was probably just a deer. I opened the door and walked halfway on the deck. There was a very strange looking object about 5 feet in front of me. It was around 7 feet tall and had large red eyes. It was dark out, somewhere around 2 o’clock in the morning, and all I could see was the outline of its body, it was a human’s body. Not like any human I had ever seen before though. Its eyes were definitely not like any human eyes, I have never seen anyone with BIG red eyes before. I screamed and ran inside.

I shut my glass door behind me and you could hear it click when the door locked. About 2 seconds after the door locked we heard something slam against the door. I seriously thought that the glass would break right on top of my head. Ashley, Sarah, and Tia were still all the way across the room, and when they heard it, they jumped up and screamed too. We all ran into my bathroom and locked the door, having skylights in every room in my house we were afraid something would have came through the roof. So we ran inside the bathroom closet and stayed there for the rest of the night.

To this day no one ever has believed me nor any of my friends and we’re still wondering what we saw that night (or what saw us.)

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.