Triangle Of Lights

Triangle Of Lights

Recently my boyfriend and I were headed home from Kenna to Fairplain on Rt. 21, south of Ripley. We noticed a line of cars sitting almost still when we arrived to the turn off to our road. Wondering what the commotion was, I looked to the sky and immediately saw a triangle of lights, not moving, just hovering in the sky.

I told my boyfriend to step on the gas, I wanted to rush home to get my binoculars, so that I might get a better view. As we made the turn onto the road, I turned and put my head out the window to watch this object, hoping we wouldn’t loose sight of it. To my surprise, it began following us! It chased us teasingly to the final curve in our road, and then suddenly shot off in the other direction.

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.