The Sad Soldiers

The Sad Soldiers
Ghost of a Lost Soldier / Stock Photo

One night, I was walking home from my friend Tiffany’s house. It was late and dark, so I took a shortcut through the graveyard. When I got to this one grave, I saw two men standing there. They were dressed in old army uniforms. I asked them if they were lost and they said no. I asked them what they were doing here in a graveyard dressed like soldiers. They said they were in uniform because they were going to war. I said there was no war. One of them asked me what year it was and I told them 1999. They said it couldn’t be, but I said it was. All of the sudden, they started screaming, so I started to run away. When I looked back at them they were bleeding. I stopped and looked around to see if there was anyone there who could help them, but when I turned backed around, they were gone.

The next day, I went to my grandma’s house and I got out this book that had pictures of local soldiers in the war. When I turned the page, I saw a picture of the two soldiers I’d seen the night before. I read the information under the picture and it said those two soldiers were murdered just before they were supposed to leave for the war. I didn’t believe in ghosts until that point in time and I never go into graveyards alone at night anymore.

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.