Steel Hollow Rd

Steel Hollow Rd
Spencer, WV / Stock Photo

I’m currently living in Myrtle Beach, SC. I’m originally from Spencer, WV in Roane Co. I stumbled upon this web site and thought I would submit a story that hasn’t been told yet. I lived out side of town on a road called Steel Hollow Rd. I lived there for 19 years and heard a lot of tales from my grandmother, who past away recently back in 2002.

As a child I always heard of the Steel Hollow Cave Ghost. Back in the day when Roane County was just getting started, people really didn’t have the supplies to build a house with. Well Steel Hollow Rd. has many caves in the side of the hills so many of the people migrated in to these caves. One family, not sure of there names at the time, moved in this one particular cave (located off a little dirt road before you go up the steep hill on Steel Hollow Rd). It was a man and his wife and their three small children. After getting settled, the husband was going on a hunting trip and wouldn’t be back for three days to get food for them to last the whole winter, so the wife and children had to fend for them self. Unfortunately, the children developed a bad fever, so did the mother, so she was too weak to get water for them, so they continued to cry. This drove the mother crazy so she smothered the children till they suffocated and died. When the father came back from his trip he stepped in to find his wife rocking the dead children in her arms only saying “Be quiet the children are sleeping”. There have been many accounts of seeing her ghost there and also hearing the children cry.

One night I had to see if this was true, so me and some of my friends went walking and sure enough at 12 o’clock midnight we heard the baby’s cry, it was a sad sound, but we did get a little frightened but knowing there was nothing there to hurt us. This is a true story; it was even published in the Time Record on Halloween night of 1996. For further note the cave has been torn down, but a little of it still remains so be careful if you go Exploring.

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.