Lost Encounters with the Chocolate Loving Ghost

Lost Encounters with the Chocolate Loving Ghost
Empty Jack-o-lantern / Stock Photo

It was October 31, 2001; Alley my 4yr old was dressed as a cat. Destiny Rose, my 2yr old was dressed as a pink Devil, or Debil as she said. Austin, Melanie’s 3yr old boy was Scooby Doo. That night all three kids got enough candy for an Army.

I took the girls stash and froze some. Put some away for birthday parties. And, of course I let them devour some, as I did too. Melanie being a chocolate connoisseur from way back, did even better than I did. She divided the chocolate and the other junk. When going for a Snickers mini, she didn’t want to be bothered with a Bottle Cap sour or a Pixie Stick.

The next day me and my girls came by and Melanie was in a panic. The chocolate was gone. The jack-o-lantern was empty. Well I figured Melanie was lying. I felt that way until that weekend when she and I made four-dozen no-bake cookies. We put them in an ice cream bucket to store them. We went to Hardee’s with all 3 kids for about an hour came back and the bucket was on the counter were we left it. It was completely empty. I apologized to Melanie that night.

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.