Haunted Mountain Top

Haunted Mountain Top
Mountain Top / Stock Photo

I was a newly wed in April of 1988. My husband had a trailer on the top of Mosesfork Mountain where we resided after we were married. At first everything was going great. My husband worked driving a truck and I stayed home and took care of the housework, shopping etc.

One morning I was sleeping and all of the sudden a small clock radio we had in the bathroom woke me up blaring loud music. I got up and ran to turn it off. When I opened the bathroom door the music stopped. The radio wasn’t even plugged in. I just chalked it up and thought I dreaming.

A short time later I would hear the commode flush and the water in the bathroom running, when I would go to investigate, nothing would be happening. I asked my husband if he had heard anything strange and he said no. I told him about what had been happening to me, but of course he thought I was crazy. This continued for a while.

One morning I heard this huge raging fire I thought for sure the trailer had caught fire. I could hear the blazes roar and popping that comes when you have a large fire. I got up and ran outside but nothing was burning. Several times my television would change channels.

One night my younger sister stayed all night with me. The next morning, she told me that she thought I had walked past her to get a drink of water. She was going to grab me when I went back through and scare me, but I never came back through. It scared her because she knew it was not me who got a drink. Finally, I told my mom about the occurrences one day. She told me that close to where my trailer sat, a man and a woman were blown up in an old motel that used to be there. I don’t know what it was but I was glad when my husband and I moved. I am not saying that I believe in ghost but something was going on out there on that mountain top.

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.