Unidentified Noise

Unidentified Noise
Cabin at Cabwaylingo State Forest / Stock Photo

My family, the Clay family, stayed in the Group Camp at Cabwaylingo State Forest for years upon years, but three years ago we stayed in the group camp for the first time since the new building was built. That was a week of horror! First, there’s always a deadly smell after dark, the lights go on and off and then there are the noises. The first night I was there me and my sis Heather, and my three cousins, Amber, Jennifer and Paislee were up past midnight taking pics, crafting and eating. I was taking pics when we heard the first loud noise, at first, I thought it was a Vacuum. Of course, there are no vacuums for a cement floor.

“What was that?” Amber asked.
“Let’s check it out,” I said.

We checked the kitchen area and even outside and still didn’t know where the noise was. When we got back inside it stopped.

Night 2: Amber and I were coming back from showering at the shower house when we hear a loud creaking noise. There was nothing around us to make that noise, we were outside. Of course, the smell got worse.

Night 3: Everyone in the girl’s barracks was awakened at 3 am due to a loud scream and it was coming from the laundry room. My mom and Aunt Sylvia checked it out but saw nothing.

Night 4: all three noises were heavy. At 6 am the scream happened again.

The handyman came out to check stuff out and they saw and heard nothing.

Night 5: I was so scared on night 5 because I was asleep on my bunk when something touched me. I raised up to see nobody, then, I smelt that smell and started hearing heavy breathing. I saw everyone sleeping. I stayed awake the rest of that night.

I’m not sure what caused all of that, that week, but I do know it happened. My family all experienced stuff that week. I went back last year, that smell is still there and I head a few noises.

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.