The Haunted Hunting Trip

The Haunted Hunting Trip
Depressed Girl by the Fireplace / Stock Photo

This story was told to me by my father several years ago.In the early 1950’s, my father and uncle had decided to go deer hunting and arranged to spend the night at a co – workers farmhouse, so that they could get an early start the next day. Arriving later that evening, they quickly unpacked their car in the gathering gloom and took their luggage and weapons to their room. Later that evening, they were given a late supper by their hosts and then adjourned with them to the living room for the pleasure of their company and conversation. Some time later, the mistress of the house excused herself and went upstairs to get the children ready for bed. A noisy argument broke out somewhere upstairs and my uncle turned to the farmer and asked him how many children did he have.The farmer replied that he had four children.

The next morning, my father and uncle got dressed before dawn and came down to the kitchen for breakfast. The children were still asleep but the farmer and his wife had gotten up to prepare breakfast for the hunters and see them off. After breakfast, my father was sitting in a chair beside the fireplace, putting his boots on and my uncle was standing behind him near the stairs. A little girl, perhaps five years of age, came down the steps and walked over to warm herself by the fire, alongside my father. She was dressed in a long gray flannel night gown and had her long blond hair in braids. My uncle observed her for several minutes as she stood by silently watching my father put on his boots. She then walked across the room and headed into the kitchen. My father finished with his boots, stood up and began to load the car. My uncle went to help him. After the car was loaded, my father and uncle went back into the house to thank the farmer and his family for their hospitality. By this time the house was awake and the children had come down for breakfast and were seated at the kitchen table. My uncle and father walked into the kitchen to talk with the farmer and as they were leaving my uncle noticed that the Little girl was not seated at the table. He turned to the farmer and asked him where his daughter was. The farmer looked very puzzled at this statement and quickly said that he didn’t have any daughters, only four sons. My uncle jokingly turned to my father and asked him to describe the girl that had stood beside him at the fire place. My father told me that he looked my uncle straight in the eye and told him that he did not have any idea what he was talking about. Neither he, nor my father, or anyone else in the house, had seen the girl and to their knowledge, the sighting was a one time event in that household.

To this day my uncle swears he watched a ghost watch my father put on his boots. My father swears that my uncle was half asleep and dreamed the whole thing…

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.