Locked Door

Locked Door
Door in Bedroom / Stock Photo

This is about my grandmother she told me this story when I was little. She lived in Nolan, WV when she was little and this story takes place in her house I cannot remember the exact location but it is now a highway.

My Grandmother lived in a small house with her mother, father and five siblings. Her and her sisters shared a room and her brothers shared a room. There was a small room hooked to the girls’ room that nobody went into. One night the door to this room was left unlocked and my Grandmother seen an image in the doorway of this little room and ran out of the room to her parents.

Several months later, I guess one of her brothers got married. Well her brother-in-law stopped by one night because it was too far for him to walk home. He was mean as a snake my grandmother said he wasn’t afraid of anything so he stayed in the little room. Sometime in the night, he said he felt something pulling him out of bed by the foot and he didn’t see anything when he looked it just kept pulling him out of bed and almost got him out of bed. Therefore, he got up and walked all the way home sometime in the early morning hours. Strange things went on even though the door to the little room was locked until my great grandparents died and the house was knocked down and made into a highway.

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.