I refuse to mention the grocery stores by name but 7 years ago I was a manager at one in Southern West Virginia. It was getting close to closing time and I had heard ghost stories but I experienced it first hand. I was in the back doing my checks for the night. I came through to the bakery where I saw two little girls. I kind of did a double-take and they disappeared. I started looking for them when I heard a chilling voice say my name. Nobody was around. I checked the aisles and headed up front where my cashier girl and the stock guy stood, it wasn’t them. I did ask them if they heard or saw anyone. They didn’t.
Another night, I had come face to face with this thing in black. I did at first think it was a joke but it wasn’t.
Two months later this black figure returned, locking me out on the dock. The night cleaner heard me and let me back in.
There have been a few times where food would just fall off the shelves. It was mostly bread.
One day early around eight in the morning a customer swore she hit a person with her buggy and he disappeared.
In the 7 years that I have worked there, I didn’t know what to expect. Stuff happened frequently and we couldn’t keep night employees. If I didn’t have a family of six to feed I would have left too.
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