The Beast In The Grave Yard

The Beast In The Grave Yard
Something at the Door / Stock Photo

First off I would like to say that this story is true and that I wouldn’t waste my time putting it on here if it were not. This encounter took place at Pumpkin Ridge in Clay County, which is in Procious. Me and a few of my friends were staying at my friend T.J’s house and we were up late watching movies. I would say around one o’clock in the morning we heard a car pull up in the drive way. Now if you knew where his mom lived you would know why that is so strange considering she lives five minutes from the main road and there are nobody around for miles.

We heard a car door open and shut, but when we looked out the window there were no cars in sight. We even walked out the drive way to see if anyone was prowling around, but there was no one, the drive way is the only road that leads to the house. Since no one was around, we went back to watching our movie.

Around 1:30 am we hear the same car pull up and the same door shut. We start getting a little paranoid considering there are no head lights or cars in sight. We all start getting a little shaky when all of a sudden something bashes into the front door, enough to make it almost come flying off it’s hinges.

My friend T.J grabs a baseball bat and we walk out to see what it was. Our first thought was that some psycho was trying to get in the house, or that someone was messing with us. We walked all the way around the house, and made his mom drive all the way down the driveway to see if there were any cars, but there was no signs of cars or people around at all. There is a grave yard about 100 feet from the house, but to say that it had anything to do with it would be far fetched. To this day we still don’t know what bashed into the door that late July night.

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.