West Virginia Haunts will help you find haunted locations within West Virginia. All locations were submissions to West Virginia Ghosts over the past 15 years. There are over 120 Haunts for West Virginia and growing!
West Virginia Haunts provides all haunts, ghost towns, and abandonments in one app with GPS Navigation. Location are sorted by county and then alphabetically by the name of the haunt. Each location contains information about the haunt, GPS navigation, and mapping to help you find the location.
We do not personally guarantee that any of these locations are actually haunted; we list what locals, eyewitnesses, and others believe or witnessed for themselves. We take many steps in order to verify that our information is accurate. However, we cannot be fully responsible for inaccuracies caused by incorrect information from sources, and we apologize should there be any.
Never trespass on locations, and always get permission first. It is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS to enter abandoned buildings, as they may have bacteria, mold, asbestos, etc. as well as an unsafe structure. It is also extremely dangerous to conduct ghost hunts and séance if you have no experience. We are not responsible for anything you do.
Some West Virginia counties are missing from West Virginia Haunts due to not having hauntings listed for that county. We will add updates for missing counties as we receive more information. You can submit new Haunted Locations to us for possible inclusion through the menu on West Virginia Haunts or by visiting West Virginia Ghosts.